カスタム リアサス、タンク、メーター (XL1200R化計画?)






FUEL TANK ガソリンタンク

      コレは自転車         このタンクで、一目で【スポタ】と判断できる







           装着予想図                      現状




This is great information!!!

 I have attached a picture out of the Parts Manual showing the decal part number that you mentioned in an earlier email. It states red, birch white. I can not find one that says black, birch white. The part manuals are not in color either, so I can only go by the black and white picture and the written description.
 I got with our parts manager, and did a bit of research. We have to supply Harley with the primed part numbers, paint code numbers, decal part numbers, and if we want pin strips with color codes and sizes, and any other detail that might make a difference. 
Here is the kicker. If we get the tank, and failed to supply the correct information, there is no return. Once it is ordered, there is no turning back. So if we do this, we want to check and double check to make sure that we have all items correct. 
The second line item on the quote below is the part number we have to use to price the custom painting of a fuel tank, with a solid color, including applying decals, and paint.  Also the fuel line kit, the part number was upgraded to the one I have quoted.----------------------------
You must be a late owl, if you were still up at 4:08AM. I stay up late, but my version of late is one or two in the morning, not four. I get up about seven and need about five to six hours sleep, otherwise I am yawning all day, and not alert. 
  I have updated your quote, with the most updated version, including the Harley's Custom Paint, and have added the latest additions. Shipping to Hawaii is a bit cheaper then Japan, but not a lot. Most of the items, except the tank itself are pretty light.
I did receive your payment, and all items have been ordered or pulled out of inventory and tagged for you. That was all done this morning so that all would be processed by Harley-Davidson today. 
I hate to try and predict delivery on your tank, but as soon as I get any sort of confirmation, or information from Harley, I'll let you know. Hopefully it will be done in time to ship to you in Hawaii. I know that we will or should have all the other items in plenty of time. I will keep you posted.
If there are any other items that I can get for you, let me know?
  It is always great to hear fom you, and I really appreciate all your business!!!!

ん〜ん 相当納期が掛かりそうだなあ(忘れた頃に来るのかも、、、)

送料が安いのは、2009年6月にハワイに遊びに行くので、ハワイのホテルまで(塗装が間に合えばのハナシ) タンク単体で$787,

Hello Kiyofumi 
 I have some great news that should make your day. See attached pictures.   I need to know where you want this item shipped. I can ship it today. Currently it is 9:20 AM - 06/05/09    Let me know? And I'm sure you are smiling ear to ear by now!!!
Have A Great Weekend!!! Brad


前方視界(見切り)は良くなったが、逆に気合いを入れて全開で走ると、【前方の状況に神経を集中させるので】視線をやや大きく下に向けないとメーターが正確に読み取れない!(この視線を移す時間的ロスが怖い)さらに、ブルブル震える小径タコメーターもじっくり見ないと正確に読めす、針は遅れて7,000回転表示で何度もレブリミットの7,200回転まで達していてリミッターが効いて焦る。これは加速が良すぎるのもあるが動態視力の落ちた!?私には【メーターの視認性】を良くしないと、快適に全開に出来ない!? ノーマルのXL1200LやXL1200R(下画像)のような配置でないと気合いを入れて全開はダメなのかもしれない。





早速本国に手配 2009年5月末に到着予定。タコメーターとハーネスを入れても$386.92 今回はワイキキのホテルに送ってもらい、2009年6月のハワイ旅行で、ピックアップ予定。 早く欲しいので日本に直送。このことにより、私のXL1200Lは(車高を上げて、ハンドル、メーターも変えて)殆んどXL1200Rになってしまった。


ゴッソリ到着 2月のハワイ帰国時の別送品申請書を見せて通関税と消費税(計3千円)は免除! 近々取り付け予定


仮組したら、ハーネスのコネクターが違う! 再注文だ。このあたりが個人輸入のリスクとも言える

   WOW!!! What a situation.

 I have a question that will help me resolve this (I hope). The picture below of the tach and the cable, is that cable and connector direct wired to the tach? If it is, do you have a part number for that tach, or is that the stock tack off of your 2007 XL1200C? If I can find that part number in our parts catalog, it should tell me what it fits, and what cables are require to install it. I hope! But please keep reading as I have more important info below.
  I have attached the email with the quote that you paid for back on April 24th. This list does include the 68811-04A item. It is the eleventh item down in the quote. Is this an error that we did not catch or did you receive something different? I did a search and I can not find in our previous emails the part number 69911-04A. Plus when I look up this part number 69911-04, it comes up as an invalid number. So 69911-04 is not correct either.
 However, I have done more research using the printed parts manuals, instead of our network parts look up, and it appears that this 68811-04 has been updated, but not documented in our HD Online Parts look up page, to a 68811-07. Since your Harley is a 2007, this is even more reason that this is the right number. It is considerably less money too. Instead of a MSRP of $187.00 this 68811-07 has a MSRP of $80.00. I discussed this with our Parts Manager, and he feels that this one should work. Plus the 68811-04 is only available through Vintage Parts, which is where I had to get the one for the last order. So Harley has updated it, and didn't follow through with their documentation online, which has and is making this project, much more difficult then it should ever be.
 So with your approval, I will order the 68811-07 version, and as soon as it arrives, I will get pictures of all the connectors to email to you, so we can be 100% sure that it will or will not work, prior to shipping.
  I will wait to hear from you. Besides we can not make another order until tomorrow morning. 
 I am really sorry that this is so difficult!! I think we are caught up in some changes that Harley has made, and did not do a good enough job of updating the part numbers where we look them up.
Let me know what you think now? 
Thank You!!!
No Tank Yet or any word of when.


